Thursday, 8 September 2011

When the baby wont nap

Coral, we had such a good thing going.
You napped two hours, twice a day.
Mommy enjoyed listening to your little sleeping sounds.
Now the only sounds I hear from your bed are screams, sometimes laughter, and lots and lots of stories to your animals. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing those stories too, especially when they have a happy ending, but I sure do miss those sleeping sounds.

With the last few weeks being so busy, Corals whole nap schedule has been changed. Most days we have been out and about doing stuff (also, naps at my parents and the farm are a write-off. Coral wont nap unless she is in her own bed. She still gets put down in her play-pen for some "down time" but she rarely sleeps). So, her two naps a day, got crunched down to one nap a day. Thats not so bad since most toddlers her age only do one afternoon nap a day anyway. However, this last week, Coral has struggled with naps, even with just having one a day.

Its not her fault. She truly is exhausted by nap time. The problem is the guy who is re-doing our neighbor across the streets driveway. He is cutting stones and concrete all day. Literally all day, for the last week. Its loud. I can see why she struggles to fall asleep in this noise. SO, she still gets her down time in her bed (she needs time to talk to all her animals anyway), and then she is usually in bed for the night at 6. 

So, instead of Corals nap today, we decided to make cookies for our trip to Windsor tomorrow.

She was so excited to be helping mommy. 

I always let her stir whenever I can. She has become a pro at it....ok maybe a little bit got on the floor...

We watched a little bit of her movie while the cookies were baking. Then finished her movie snuggling together, eating warm cookies and sharing a glass of milk. Coral is a dipper, and was thrilled to learn the art of dipping cookies in milk. 

And now were going to go visit her boyfriend Kiptyn, who also hasn't been having very good naps lately. We figured they can be grumpy together :)

Ok buddy, finish up that driveway so my baby can get some sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect. I just came on here to check facebook before looking into why Ben suddenly won't nap for more than 1 hour each time (he used to do 2x 1.5-2 hr naps, plus another 1 hr one), and when he wakes up, he's tired. Glad to not be alone, although at least you have some idea of why - too bad you can't do anything about it! :(
