Sunday, 18 September 2011

What a week!
-Two different visits to two different hospitals (I did end up getting some tests done, however the doctors are still stumped as to what is going on in my body).
-A dinner date with some excellent friends (Taylor Burns we miss you already, Maria and Jac..booo school).
-A surprise pumpkin spice latte from my hubby immediately followed by a surprise visit from my sister and cutie nephew Kaden (one of Corals highlights of the week).
-Andrew officially becoming a student again
-Kaya going to puppy school, but really if Im being honest, she learnt nothing.
-Babysitting Kiptyn for a few hours on Sat. It was so fun to have him "all to myself" for a while. He is so much fun to play with and is great at showing his excitement with that huge smile of his.  Coral also enjoyed the time on her "supervised date".

And now we start a fresh week.
And what an amazing week it is going to be!
Remember what's happening this week ya'll???

Andrew left early this morning for a business trip, which means that today is day one of not seeing him for 16 days. That is a LONG time for us not to see each other, and as cheesy as this sounds, I miss him already (especially when Coral pooped in the bath tonight....don't be so shocked ya'll, she poops in the bath almost every night) and he wasn't there to scoop her out and entertain her while I drew her another bath. Andrew comes home wednesday night, will get a few hours of sleep, and then will get up in the middle of the night to take Coral and I to the Airport. So yes, I guess its not technically 16 days that we will be apart, but Im really not counting the few groggy hours we will see each other. 

While Andrew is away, and then while Im away, we have a little friend staying with us. Andrews old pooch Cocoa is staying with us for a few weeks while my in-laws are touring England. I picked up Cocoa after church today, and Coral is loving having two poochies in the house. Im loving it too. Mostly because Cocoa is much larger then Kaya. I feel comforted, and safe with her here while Andrew is away. Cocoa is enjoying herself too. For some unknown reason, she has always loved me. So, she follows me around the house EVERYWHERE (like if I need to go to the washroom, Cocoa is outside the door scratching and whining to come in). I have been stumbling over the two poochies all day) which Coral also loves. 

In just a few short days, Matty will be reunited with Andrew (Matty, I love how excited Hodg gets to see you), and I will be reunited with all my BC loves. I will also get 12 whole days of snuggling a newborn...gah, my uterus aches already. 

Yup it is going to be a good week!

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