Tuesday, 12 July 2011


A couple things about today. First of all, little miss Coral, 5:15 am is to early to be getting up. It makes mommys eyes burn and head ache, so sleeping in is probably a better option. Oh speaking of mommy, you are WAY to little to be calling me that. I would prefer it if you called me momma, not mommy and certainly not mom.

Secondly, I really dislike getting groceries during the summer. Coral and I have it made in the winter. The grocery stores are practically empty, and if there are other shoppers, they are usually old people who coo and awe over Coral, or other mommas with young babies. Summer time is totally different. Today the grocery store was total chaos. Children were running everywhere. Although I do enjoy watching Coral watch the other older kids, calling each one of them "EMMA" and doing her biggest giggle for them. I am thankful for a daughter who is so social and gives everyone in the store a big smile and says "HI" or "see ya" in her little lisp.

Thirdy, why doesn't house work ever end? Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that I spent hours on my hands and knees scrubbing our front deck, and now its full of cob webs again! Spiders, you are not welcome in my house, make your silly little webs somewhere else. It seems like I can clean my kitchen four times in a day, and at the end of the day it still looks messy. Well today my dishes are going to pile up on the counter, and Im choosing to not care about it. I do however LIKE certain messes. Hurricane Coral knows how to make a pretty good mess of her toys in our house. Those kind of messes make me happy. Its proof of all the playing that she has done during the day. Proof that she has used her imagination with her babies, learnt new words with her books, or finally figured out that shape sorter she has been working so hard on.

Ok, this fourth one is a gross one. Yup Im going to talk about poop. Corals poop. My baby poops WAY to many times a day. All you momma friends of mine, how many times a day does your baby poop? Coral is still pooping five or six, sometimes more, a day. Ugh. I really wouldn't mind, except her bum doesn't really get a break. These past two weeks she has had a horrible rash on her bum. Im talking open sores rash, which makes it difficult to change her because it hurts her when I wipe, so she always tries to wiggle away (and that girl has got some strong legs). So lately we have been letting her run around the back yard naked (I don't even want to know what my neighbors think when they see my beautiful daughter pop a squat right on the lawn). The last couple of nights I have been going and checking on in the middle of the night to see if she is poopy. Sure enough she is. Is that the trick though? Do I have to wake her up every night to change her diaper?

Lastly, Im feeling really blessed today to be able to be a stay at home mom with Coral. I love everything about it from our morning snuggles, to reading on the guest room bed (her favorite bed), making forts in our walk in closet, seeing her excited face when I start filling up her blow up pool, watching her tease her pooch all day, watching her do a little boogie every time she hears some music, and so much more. Coral brings Andrew and I so much joy everyday, and Im so thankful that I am able to be at home with her, and not have to miss a single moment of it.

Now, time to put Corals new bathing suit on and splash around in her pool with her. Yard and house work, will you please just stop until shes older? She is only little once and I want to enjoy her without any distractions.


  1. wild!!
    lily poops 1-2 times a day... I started going without the flushable liner since I was using them so many times when she was just peeing, and they're not free... but every time she does poop I WISH i had a liner for that diaper (of course, eh?).

  2. Its awful Emily! AND for like the last month every single time she has a bath she poops in it...like multiple poops. Tonight she dropped like four loads in the bath. Worst.

  3. Michelle Brazeau16 July 2011 at 12:18

    Jordan is teething with lots of poops right now...and rashy bum :( I use baking soda in his bath and it clears it up pretty fast!
