Sunday, 31 July 2011

Fun Facts About Coral

Thought I would share some fun little facts about our munchkin. 
  • Her favorite food is avocado and eggs.
  • She has an obsession with stuffed animals. Give her a animal to snuggle and she's a happy girl.
  • Every night and nap she sleeps with with her Cordy (a pink cat) and her monkey, but lately those two have been replaced with a black puppy my parents got her and a monkey Andrew got her on one of his trips.
  • She loves bubbles. Bubbles bubbles bubbles...I hear that word so many times during the day.
  • She is in love. His name is Kiptyn. I approve. 
  • She has a very large vocabulary for her age and most recently she has been putting words together.
  • She is not very good at sharing. Its something we are working on :)
  • She calls her blankets her beat. Coincidently thats the exact same word her uncle Nathan used to call his special blanket. We don't know how this happened, since I only have ever referred to her "beat" as her blanket.
  • She loves her cousin Emma. Emma can do anything, or say a simple word like "boo" and Coral gets the giggles. 
  • She loves to clean. Give her a rag and she will scrub down any surface she can find. Give her a wipe and she will try to wipe her own bum. If she sees a pile of toys on the ground, she is quick to put them away.
  • She has snuck out of her big girl bed twice so far. The first time she literally snuck, making sure not to make a peep, and quietly played with her toys upstairs. When she got caught, she started crying without me saying a word. The second time I found her hiding in her closet, both doors closed.
  • She hates getting her nails cut, and teeth brushed.
  • Since I'm her momma, Im going to claim best friend status...however....our puppy Kaya is right up there in her books. 
  • She collects things. Like the fake money at nana and papas, or my credit cards from my wallet. Try to take them away from her while she is organizing them...I dare you.
  • She always takes time to smell the flowers. Sometimes I need a reminder to slow down and smell the flowers too.
  • She knows the actions to "This little light of mine" (saying NO and blowing in all the right spots), "my God is so BIG", "The wheels on the bus" and "If your happy and you know it" singing happy happy happy over and over again.
  • She has recently started labeling things such as "mommas", "daddas", "mine", "kayas", and "doh dohs" (which means Coral).
  • She is a VERY loud girl at home, and a very quiet girl around new people.  Yes she is a wee bit like her momma, a tad bit shy. However, she does make sure to say "HI" to everyone in the supermarket, and gives hugs to whoever will accept them at the park.
  • While everyone makes comments about how much she looks like Andrew (and Im not denying that..she is his little mini-me), when comparing her baby pictures with my niece Chloe, even Andrew couldn't tell which one was Coral and which one was Chloe. And more recently, when looking at my brothers toddler pictures, you can see a lot of him in Coral. Hmm she must have a little Heinrichs in her somewhere. 
  • She is going to be tall like her grandma Hodgson, and petite like her momma. 
  • She is one of the happiest babies I know. She is cherished and is loved and has brought so much joy to everyone who meets her.

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