Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Coral at 26 months

For all the family members and friends who live far away but love Coral updates, this post is for you.

-Her favorite food is, well, her potty treats of course. But if we're talking real food, it's probably noodle soup or yogurt.

-She is a copy cat. She is always listening while daddy and mommy talk, and she copies what we say. Especially while were in the car.

-She is always singing. Like always. In the bath, in the car, in the store, and of course, sings herself to sleep every night.

-She tells people she has a baby in her tummy too, or a monkey, or yesterday she told me she has a baby in her toe.

-She is obsessed with stuffed puppy's. Like major obsessed. If she sees one in the store, she thinks it's her responsibility to adopt it and take it home. And they all sleep with her In her bed. She also blames things on her puppy's, and gets them in trouble for things like biting and barking. She also uses her puppy's to ask for things like "can we go to Mcdonalds" in her puppy voice.

-She is starting to get embarrassed. For example, on Sunday we went to go order hardwood for the basement. Coral slipped on one of the samples we were looking at and fell, so the sales man helped her up. Her face turned beat red and her little lip started to quiver. She ran to me and buried her face in my neck and tried so so hard not to cry.

-She has the most adorable but obnoxious fake laugh. It's loud. She loves to do it in places like Superstore where she can really get some looks and hear herself echo.

-She is starting to "read" to us. If she doesn't know the story, she will make it up, usually saying things like "THE BOAT CANNOT BARE IT". If she knows the story, she will just say it from memory. She has a lot of her books memorized.

-She is the ultimate bedtime staller. She uses every excuse in the book like I'm thirsty, I need to sit on the potty, I need to talk about my day, I need to pray. She even tried using her nails being to long the other night in hopes I would take the time to cut them before bed. Last night it was "oh no, I didn't get to say goodnight to my smiley face balloon."

-She loves to swim and she has NO fear of the water at all. Ya'll are thinking, yay, good job, no fear of the water that's great. Um not so much. She will fully run and jump into the water whether someone is there to catch her or not. She doesn't want anyone to hold onto her to help her stay afloat. She will go to the edge of the pool and jump in backwards. Scary. And she will even throw a ball to distract her daddy and then try to jump in while he is distracted. She needs lots of eyes watching her at all times near the water.

-She is still crazy about her cousin Emma. She loves Kaden too but they act more like brother and sister then they do cousins. Those two are constantly battling over toys and snacks.

-She has a better memory then mine and Andrews combined. She remembers things that we did in BC back in September. She remembers where she hides or leaves her toys. She remembers who gave her what presents for her birthday and Christmas. She remembers books that nana reads to her in Port Rowan. She has a crazy good memory. It's kinda scary when I ask my two year old where I left the keys to the house, and she knows exactly where they are.

-Shes very serious around new people or larger amounts of people. She won't talk much or at all and would prefer to be on Mommas lap. But at home she is loud, and crazy and very very funny. I'd say she gets that funny goofy personality from me, but she claims it's from her daddy. Whatever Coral. Mommy is way funnier then daddy.

-Ask her who's sweetie she is, and she will always say "I'm papas sweetie". Papa brain washed her to say that I think. We tease her and say noo mamas sweetie, or Emma's sweetie, or daddy's sweetie, but she gets very loud and offended and screams "PAPAS SWEETIE". Try it, I dare you.

-She's scared of blow up castles. Really scared of them.

-Over all she's a fantastic kid. I can't complain much about the terrible twos...maybe she just hasn't hit that stage yet, or maybe it's the way Andrew and I handle it, just laughing at her when she's having a melt down. But she is usually well behaved (oh trust me, she has her bad days though. some very very bad days. But don't we all).

-She loves to be tickled, chased, and play hide and go seek. She also loves a good naked run after her bath.

I think that's all for now. We are loving the toddler stage.

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