Friday, 8 June 2012

Guilt-free spending

I love to shop for my home. That's no secret to anyone who knows me. Sometimes it can be difficult to control my urge to decorate, but it has to be controlled, because we have a budget of basically zero to spend on unnecessary stuff.

Entire kijiji and yard sales. Lately I have managed to redecorate our sitting room on our main floor, floating shelves upstairs, and entry, simply by selling stuff on kijiji and at my parents yard sale, and then buying new stuff with the money I made. It's simple, if I want new pillows, I sell my old ones to buy the new. If I want a new area rug, I sell the old to buy a new.

The yard sale money is always a complete bonus. I ended up making $80 at my parents yard sale, by selling stuff that I considered junk and was cluttering my house. I got rid of the clutter, and got to go guilt free shopping after.

I got elephant book ends for the floating shelves upstairs.

A huge lamp for the sitting room downstairs. As soon as I saw that I could put two light bulbs in the lamp I was sold. That room doesn't have a light in it and the natural lighting is minimal. This lamp lights up the whole room.

I also got a classic captains chair from Value Village. And another chair from Value Village.

Out with the dark green pillows, and in with the light blue (don't mind the giant tv behind the couch...ugh basement renos).

I also got a new area rug. The other one had the ends all chewed up from Kaya when she was a puppy, plus I wasn't diggin the dark squares on it. This is much more light and fresh.

I also got a new picture for the play room upstairs to replace the one that was there. Since Coral will be in her big girl room soon, the play kitchen had to come out (or she would literally try to bring the whole kitchen into bed with her). The painting we had there before was the one my mother-in-law did for us and it was to big for the space once the kitchen was put there. Plus it's my favorite piece of art that we have, so it's new home is going to be in our entry where everyone can enjoy it.

And lastly, but not pictured (hopefully soon) I was able to get a bench for our entry from Ikea, and fabric and pillows to go on the bench.

And there you have it. Redecorating practically for free. I guess the decorating will have to stop once I run out of things to sell. Meh, there's always free stuff at the curb for me to switch things up with eh.

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