Thursday, 2 February 2012

Devotions for a almost two year old

Lately I have been thinking about how I can bring more of Jesus into Corals every day life. What does that look like for an almost two year old? We do prayer with her everyday, spending time focusing on different people to pray for, and letting her pick what she wants to pray about. For instance, a lot of the time she wants to pray for her her uncle Joel. Now in her little mind there are two specific things that she thinks uncle Joel needs prayer for. The first is "uncle Joel fall down". At my parents house Joel was sitting on the children's table, and it crashed, and he fell to the floor with a great big boom. Coral was quite upset that he got hurt.This was months ago, but in her mind, Joel still needs prayer for it.

The second is "uncle Joel ate allllllll the chocolate", referring to a time at Christmas where sneaky uncle Joel and auntie Crystal ate the whole chocolate orange behind everyone's back. It was quite funny (as the rest of us were searching for the already eaten orange and the guilty couple giggling at the table), but again, in her mind she couldn't believe they did that. She has not forgotten it, and still thinks Joel needs prayer for this (sorry Joel we have done our best to explain forgiveness to her, but she hasn't gotten it yet).

Anyway, my point is, she has got the prayer thing down, and I love to hear what her little toddler mind wants to talk to Jesus about, but I want there to be more. More talk about Jesus, and more ways to bring Jesus into our every day activities. But what does that look like when she is not even two yet?

We're starting out small. Every day after she wakes up from her nap, we have devotion time. A time where we sit down, and read a story out of her little Bible. Then we talk about the story, and then we do an activity. Usually we end up drawing. Drawing a picture specifically for Jesus that is. Yesterday Coral drew a rainbow for Jesus (which was really just a bunch of scribbles of different colors) but Jesus understood and loved it. Sometimes we write letters to Jesus, either thanking him for something, or just saying what is on Corals mind.

The other day I asked what she wanted to say to Jesus in her letter to him. She looked at the paper and said "ALVIN" (or she pronounces it Albin)...."I wanna say Albin to Jesus". I laughed so was so cute. In case you don't get it, it's from Alvin and the Chipmunks, and the guy always screams Alvins name. Anyway, she thought Jesus would get a kick out of that, and I'm sure he did. She loved hearing that that had made Jesus giggle.

She also loves to listen to her "Sunday school" music. She knows a lot of the songs by heart and can do the actions to them. I love as I go throughout my day I hear her singing about the Lord. I love when I'm cooking or cleaning and she busts out "cast your burdens unto Jesus, for he cares for you." Amen sweetie bear!

So we're starting out small, and as she gets older we will find different ways to include Jesus into our day. I love that even though Coral is only two, she constantly challenges my mind and heart to have faith like a child.

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute and inspiring!

    Lily isn't talking yet, but we pray with/over her before bed and before meals. hopefully she'll join in soon ;)

    another thing I love is the Seeds Family Worship songs. They're straight verses from the Bible to music. Really catchy, and honestly I've personally memorized 4 Bible verses in 2 days from singing along! Everybody wins!!

    And we read the Jesus Storybook Bible. Not much to Lily right now, but that's our plan. And when we read it to each other, we both end up in awe of the Gospel. It's THAT good!!!!
