Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Back Once Again...with a bang!

Ok....I admit it, I have been slackin on the blog lately.
Would you guys forgive me if I told you its really not my fault?
The hubby has needed to take the computer to work for the last couple of weeks, leaving me computer-less, so, no blog.

But enough with the excuses.
I am back to blogging, and have decided to come back with a bang.
Sort of.

Andrew and I sponsor a little girl named Meron. Her picture is on our fridge so we can talk to Coral about her, and pray for her throughout the day. Coral loves to look at her picture. She loves to hear the story about Meron, and how her daddy left her, and she has no money to buy food; so mommy and daddy send her money so she can have a better life. 

Corals still obviously to young to fully understand that story. But I still tell it to her anyway. I want her to grow up knowing the truth, nothing sugar coated. Knowing that she is blessed to be living in a family that can provide for her, that she will never have to worry about going hungry (unless she doesn't eat her dinner...) and that there are children in the world who are not as fortunate as she is. 

Everybody is well aware what is happening in Africa right now. Millions of men, women and children are starving. As a family, we are choosing not to ignore this. No child should have to live being cold, scared, and hungry every single day. 

A little while ago, we received mail from World Vision stating that right now, the Government of Canada will TRIPLE donations. Meaning a simple donation of $5 will have the impact of $15, or $30 will have the impact of $90.

We have decided to take advantage of that offer (sheesh we pay so much in taxes anyway, I would prefer my money goes to starving people) and have a little fundraiser.

Miss Coral has been busy prepping for the fundraiser.
We spent a lot of time together painting for the big event.

Coral has done six different, all unique paintings. She will be selling them by donation, and all the money will be tripled and sent in her name to starving children. 

Ready for it. Here are the paintings:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6
Heres how it works. Its first come, first served. If you are interested in helping make a donation (remember, ANY donation helps), message me on my facebook, or comment below with the painting number (found under each painting). Put the painting up in your house, and use it as a reminder of the help you gave to people in need. Together we really can make a difference.

Ready. Set. GO!


  1. Laura!
    Luke and I would like painting number one. It can be the first official piece of art for our new home that we will beginning next year :) send me an email and we'll work out a payment. Did you ever get the email I sent you a few months ago? if not... kristajwoof@gmail.com

  2. the only thing I ask, is can she sign it?
