Monday, 26 March 2012

New nursery

Ok, this post is loong overdue. I repainted, redecorated Corals nursery back in the beginning of November, but I just never blogged about it because its not quite done yet. There was no real reason for the make-over, other then I was bored with the yellow walls and stripes and wanted a change. I wanted to make it very gender neutral, so that when we have more babies, they can use the room (that is, if I don't bored and change it again).

The walls were painted natural cream by Benjamin Moore.

I wanted neutral walls so my accent colors (navy and orange) would pop.

Orange curtains were added, and the chair I reupholstered got moved in.

If you noticed in the first picture, there is no art above the crib. This is what will be going up there. I made this back in November as well, but Andrew and I haven't gotten around to putting it up. I got Andrew to take apart an old pallet, then put it back together with no spaces in between it. I sanded it, then painted a boat on it.

Added a new lamp with a bright orange shade, and made a mini gallery wall above the change table.

What do you think? Do you like her new nursery better then the old?

Friday, 23 March 2012

New art for Corals room and kitchen chairs re-do

Ok so remember my new (but old) kitchen chairs that needed some new fabric? Coral and I went on a mission to find just the right fabric for them yesterday.

When we got to the fabric store, I was overwhelmed. I knew I needed to use an outdoor fabric because its stain and water resistant (hello toddlers in my house with sticky ketchup hands). I didn't realize though that there would be so many I would love. They had a ton of funky fabric, with big bold flowers on it, both in aqua and yellow, the accent colors in my kitchen/dining/ living room. They had stripes, circles, damask, and more, more, more. I seriously stood there for 45 min trying to decide what to choose.

Eventually I decided to go with a basic stripe. As much as I would have loved to do a funky flower pattern, I didn't want whatever I picked to compete with my curtains. Also, I do have a hubby, and I knew a floral pattern would not be his number one choice.

This is what I eventually picked:

It's still fun, but not over the top. It gives the chairs a hit of personality, while not competing with the rest of the decor in the room. Of course I loved some of the other fabric so much that once I got it home, I second guessed my decision. However, when Andrew finally noticed them this morning, he loved the fabric I chose. Phew!

We also got some new art for Corals big girl room. I have been thinking for a while now what I could do for art over the pallet bed I made her. The wall space seemed huge and a bit overwhelming to me. Originally I thought about doing a gallery wall, but yesterday, I found something so much better.

It's HUGE! Look, it almost goes all the way up to the ceiling! It appears to be three large canvases, BUT, it's actually a room divider. When I saw it though, I knew it would be perfect for art over her bed. And, if I ever need to divide a room for some reason, I can always take it off the wall.

Coral loves it. She has her little kitchen in the room, and with this art, she is calling her room her restaurant. She loves the two ladies sitting down, drinking their tea in her "restaurant".

What are your thoughts? Did I chose the right fabric for my chairs? And right art work for Corals room?

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Summer Salad

What is with this crazy weather? Seriously, shorts and tanks in March? All this heat has got me thinking about summer food. I love summer food. Andrew can cook some meat on the BBQ, and I can quickly whip up some veggies and a salad.

One of my favorite summer salads is a watermelon salad. Ok I know it sounds kinda weird, but it's delicious. It becomes sort of a staple in my house during the summer. A refreshing salad that we always have in the fridge, ready to eat at anytime. It's super quick and easy to make too.

What you will need: watermelon, cucumber, cheery tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese, fresh mint, lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Slice up the watermelon, cucumber, onion, tomatoes, and a couple of mint leaves, and toss in a bowl. There is no set rule on how much of each ingredient you put in. Eye ball it according to your taste buds.

Sprinkle on some feta, put a little bit of olive oil over top (you don't need much because watermelon is packed full of juice). Squeeze a fresh lemon over top, salt and pepper to taste, and mix everything together.


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

My latest finds

Hi guys, remember me? Ya, I know, it's been a while. Here has how my last month has gone: me sick, me sick, Coral sick, me sick, Coral sick, me sick. It hasn't been fun my friends. I have felt house bound, missing a month of care group, and moms and tots (isn't that just how it goes though? Once your feeling better, the baby gets sick, making you still house bound). But with this hot spring weather we have been having, I am bound and determined for us to get healthy and feel good. In the mean time, let me share with you my latest finds.

Yes, even when I'm feeling sick, I still get the urge to go thrift store hunting. My Value Village finds:

Who doesn't love Veggie Tale books? They teach Coral about God, and at the same time teach her about opposites, ABCs, numbers, shapes, and letters. An excellent find.

A duck, duck, goose game for Coral. She loves it. She drags that goose all over the place. A really cute board game for little ones.

How could I pass this up? Make-believe cowboys anyone? Or I guess I should say cowgirl.

Ok and here is my latest Home Sense finds. Now I know it's cheating a little bit, because it's not second hand, but I have to be honest with you friends, sometimes buying second hand isn't cheaper. Especially with Value Village I have found that I can get dishes and decor for cheaper at Home Sense.

New plates for my open shelving.

An aqua pot to do some roasts in.

And my tree. Oooooh the tree. I love it. And it fits right in with my decor.

Annd my best finds of all, are from the thrift store in my home town, Port Rowan. This place sells vintage dishes for pennies! I can get books for a dime! I never leave the place empty handed.

I got these canisters all for two bucks! Not bad eh.

I was in need of some new dishes, so I got a whole set of them for $4.00! Oh how I love that thrift store.

And lastly, we have a new table and chairs set. We got them for free from my parents, which they got when they moved into their new house.

This is a project for when I'm feeling completely better. No, I'm not going to paint it. It's antique so if I paint it, it loses it's value. I am however going to give the seats some new fabric. Someday.

That's all for now. Time to get my cushions out on my patio furniture and enjoy this beautiful weather.