This is another post from my iPad, since Andrew needs our computer for work, so it might look different then my other posts (my last post turned into one looooooong paragraph as soon as I hit post). So hang in there while I attempt to figure this thing out.
These are a few of my latest favorite things.
First of all...
Coral got panties! They are so tiny and so cute. Coral loves them and is excited to wear them when the time comes. I told her she can only wear them when she is ready to go on the potty, and when she is ready to stop wearing a diaper.
Also for Coral, a little chair for her. She got this from my sister for Christmas and LOVES it. Whenever we go to someone's house that has little chairs, Coral is all over them. Well actually, Coral climbs all over any kind of chair. I love that it's a chair that goes with the rest of my decor.
New chair for Coral, and new chairs for me. Like I said, Coral climbs all over our chairs. Long story short, she climbed on one of our old chairs, it fell and smashed into pieces. The other chairs were falling apart anyway, so, time for new ones. I found these in the as is section in Ikea. We still need one more to make the set complete, but Corals seat is on the other one for now (and if you have a child in a booster seat, you know how dirty and banged up the chair can get) so we will wait until she is out of it to buy the last chair.
This thing. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it's purpose is, but I love it. It's the perfect yellow for my house, and I love how it looks on my kitchen table.
Tea. Not just any tea. But this tea. Chocolatey mint by pc. It's delish. I have always been a huge fan of mint tea, but this has a little taste of chocolate in it. A chocolate and mint combo is one of my favs.
Art that Coral has been bringing home from Sunday school. I love how proud she is of her drawings or crafts when we go to pick her up. Oh and what's that beside the drawing? Plastic balloons from my nephew Kadens cake. Coral saw them in the store and has been obsessed with them ever since. She brings them every where with her. It took a lot of convincing to make her leave them in the car this morning when we went to the moms and tots at church.
Corals pots and pans that are now being used for real food. Coral is a little collector. These blueberries have probably been in each one of her pots and pans, and then in every single tupperware that she has access too. I love when I put her to bed at night, and then while I'm cleaning up I find things hidden and stored by her.
Another new fav is Corals new winter coat. Coral didn't have a winter coat, and honestly she was doing fine without one, until she asked to go for a rhino ride while we were at the farm over Christmas. So, I found this blue winter coat in Belleville, on sale from $60 down to $13. Good deal. And then Coral got her rhino ride.
I posted this on Facebook, but just in case you didn't see, this is my new chair. Well kinda Corals new chair. It's in the guest room, but since getting Coral her play kitchen, the guest room has become more of a play room since she spends so much time in there. I found this chair at value village. It caught my eye right away,and I was stunned at the mint condition it was in. But, I walked away. As much as I loved it I just didn't know where I would put an over sized chair like that. Before leaving the store, it hit me that the guest room has yellow accents. Two guys helped me load it into my car, and we were good to go! I love it. I love the shape of it, I love how huge it is (Andrew had to take the door off to fit it in the room) and I love how comfortable it is.
Another new fav is the old antique quilt my sister gave me. This is another new thing in our guest room. Getting that play kitchen for Coral really changed that room around. We didn't have room for it any where else, and we figured since that is going to be Corals room one day, why not put it in there now. We had to take out the double bed, and put in a single so the kitchen and chair would fit. You can't tell from the picture, but the base of the bed is actually made from two wooden pallets. I will do a post on that once the bed is complete (still missing legs, headboard, and an actual mattress).
Lastly, y'all remember this thing? Corals bumbo? Well, it's been found again, and Coral is using it as a seat all around the house. Her chubby little legs didn't fit in it for a long time, but now that she's thinning out, she fits in it again. Funny little girl.
And those are just a few of my latest, favorite things.